Giving to Disabled Students

Endowment Campaign

"All students deserve the opportunity to receive a college education. This campaign ensures that those with special needs can experience the joy of learning and the career paths that only a college education can bring." - George Deukmejian, Campaign Chair. Governor of California, 1983 - 1991

A Message from the Director

Pursuing a college education is an endeavor which requires hard work and a high level of commitment. For students with a disability it can be exceptionally challenging. Without help, a disability can become an obstacle that would keep many talented and promising students from realizing the dream of a college education and a meaningful career.

California State University, Long Beach recognized the need to provide special assistance to its students with disabilities and established one of the nation's first Disabled Students Services programs in 1973. Through ΠΤΈ£±¦'s Bob Murphy Access Center programs, students receive help in completing their college education while learning adaptive strategies for daily living and future employment. For over three decades, the Bob Murphy Access Center program at CSU Long Beach has been recognized as among the leading educational support systems of its kind in the United States.

If you would like more information about the Bob Murphy Access Center program or how you can make a contribution to the Bob Murphy Access Center Endowment Campaign, call (562) 985-5401.


Interest from the $2 million endowment has been used to annually support the following vital program needs:

  • Academic Support - $35,000 per year for reader services, note taking assistance, test proctoring, research assistance, and interpreter services to facilitate classroom learning.
  • Learning Skills and Advising - $15,000 per year for learning strategies instruction for students with learning disabilities. 
  • Adaptive Computer Laboratory - $15,000 per year for technical assistance and training for students with disabilities on computers configured with adaptive access software and hardware devices.
  • English Writing Skill Building - $10,000 per year for specialized instruction for students who have significant writing problems due to a disability.
  • Adaptive Equipment - $5,000 per year for assistive devices and adaptive equipment which aids in the learning process.
  • Scholarships - $10,000 per year for financial assistance for students with disabilities who have demonstrated need and academic ability.


Your gift today helps create a legacy for educational access for future generation of students with disabilities at California State University, Long Beach.

The following suggestions are methods you can use to help make this happen:

Gifts of Cash

  • Gifts of cash are of vital importance because they can be immediately applied to the Endowment Campaign. Pledged cash gifts may be made on a schedule and in amounts convenient to the donor.  or make a gift by check payable to the "ΠΤΈ£±¦ Foundation."

    Mail the check and form to:
    California State University, Long Beach Foundation
    6300 State University Drive, Suite #160
    Long Beach, CA 90815
    ATTN: Student Services Development
    C/O: Bob Murphy Access Center

Matching Gifts

  • Many corporations have programs where an employee's charitable contributions are matched by the company. A company may match an employee's contribution as much as three-to-one, in some cases.

Real or Personal Property and Securities

  • These gifts offer substantial advantages to the donor. The sale of these items by our Program offers the same flexibility as with cash gifts.


  • Gifts-in-kind contributions includes gifts of equipment and other tangible items that can be used by Disabled Students Services.

Planned Gifts

  • The most common form of a planned gift is a bequest. For example, our Disabled Students Services can be named as a beneficiary in a will. All charitable bequests are tax deductible in full.