
Responsibilities for submitting documents to meet award terms and conditions are shared at ΠΤΈ£±¦ by the PI and ORSP. Actual reporting requirements vary by award, but most awards typically require both periodic progress and financial reports to be submitted to the sponsor. Details of the reporting requirements to the sponsor are normally outlined in the sponsor's notice of award.

The Principal Investigator is responsible for the progress reports on the deliverables associated with the award. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is responsible for completing financial reports.

The Principal Investigator is responsible for submitting interim/final progress reports to the sponsor within the specified time frame and format indicated in the scope of work and award document. The format of progress reports is usually determined by the sponsor. In the absence of any guidelines, a standard format that addresses the following project management concerns should be submitted:

  • A review of the accomplishments to-date as compared with schedule and objectives as outlined in the original proposal
  • A review of the challenges faced by the award in attempting to meet the schedule and objectives as outlined in the original proposal
  • Supporting statistical data or documentation
  • Management activities, such as documentation or training materials produced, staffing issues, etc.
  • Explanation of changes in expenditures from that originally projected for the award

As good business practice, the PI should send a copy of the transmittal letter of the report to the GCA in ORSP.

Financial and Management reports are generally prepared by ORSP. ORSP will invoice sponsors and prepare any official financial reports required by the sponsor. The PI has the responsibility to review his/her project expenditures, on at least a monthly basis, to assure that all the expenditures are reported correctly.

The PI and ORSP will coordinate on other types of Administrative/Management Reports. Although deadlines may vary, many of these types of reports are submitted annually or at close-out of the award. Such reports may include: Final Invention statements; Equipment Inventory reports; Subcontractor Reports; Small Business Reports, etc.

Your GCA will inform you of reporting responsibilities at award orientation.

Viewing my financial reports.

As a recipient of federal research funds, the University and Research Foundation are required to have an approved method of verification for payroll expenses charged to federally sponsored awards. In lieu of time reports, we rely on after-the-fact certification by faculty that the distribution of payroll shown is a reasonable approximation of how their time was spent. Funds shown include direct pay from the Foundation, reimbursements from the Foundation for University released-time and/or cost-shared effort in the form of University assigned time. This effort is certified twice a year: January through June and July through December.

View Effort Reporting Procedure